NuTech, Inc. offers a wide array of services to all of our customers in addition to our unit dose radiopharmaceuticals.
NuTech, Inc. proudly sponsors local, live continuing education programs for our clients, as well as continuing education at societal meetings. Please contact us for upcoming events near your location.
NuTech, Inc. has partnered with the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) to bring convenient, self-paced continuing education to our clients free of charge.
To enroll, simply email with "Subscribe" in the subject line. Please include your name and hospital affiliation in the body of the message.
Do you plan to install a nuclear or PET cameras in your facility?
Do you need to amend your existing Radioactive Materials License with a new physician, new site or a new radiopharmaceutical?
Do you need help with regulatory issues with Texas Department of State Health Services Radiation Control Program?
We can help! NuTech, Inc. offers assistance solving all these issues. We can help you write the new RAM License, we can check on your existing application, we can amend your RAM License according to your requests and current TDSHS regulations. We offer this free service as a courtesy to our existing and potential new customers. If you work within 120 miles of one of our three locations Tyler, College Station, or Wichita Falls give us a call or send us an e-mail. We will save you time spent trying to navigate the Texas Administrative Code and the Code of Federal Regulations.